
Showing posts from July, 2017

Hood Spice's 30 Days of Sexy

The challenge lasts form August 1 through the 30th “30 days of sexy” in a nutshell for anyone who wants to participate is a commitment to take better care of your physical, emotional and sensual/ sexual self. I don’t know any woman who doesn’t want to feel sexy and powerful, but I think it’s important that we don’t wait for other people to make us feel sexy. So I want go on a journey on how we can give ourselves that power. So often we make time for everything but ourselves these 30 days are dedicated to you! To start off I suggest getting a notebook, doesn’t have to be anything fancy. The first thing you’ll do is quickly surveying yourself. Questions to ask yourself: 1. Which part of your body/ personality are you the most proud of? 2. Which part of your body/ personality are you the least proud of? 3. Are you willing to commit to your happiness and well-being? 4. When do you feel the most sexy/ confident? 5. Are you willing to give up things and people who do not se