
Showing posts from December, 2017

The Fear of Success

LET ME BE CLEAR! This is not to say that I do not want to succeed, what I'm saying is failing is inevitable, its a fate we all at some point or another accept, almost to the point of being comfortable with it. when things don't work out we go "Oh, that's life" or " Shit happens, maybe next" or more famously "Its cool, sometimes the things you want most wont work out" Ive become accustomed to taking the "failure" and moving on to the next best thing. But this year I've decided to remain consistent; I wondered what would happen if I just kept on pushing forward even if I don't know how I'm going to pay for my dreams. What if I just walked on faith and believed that the universe would answer for me. I am definitely normally more of a, I'll believe it when I see it sort of person but I acknowledged that that frame of mind wasn't getting me anywhere, so I decided to got out on a limb. Now the universe didn't i