
Showing posts from August, 2017

Learning To Let Go

" You do not get what you deserve, you get what you accept." Every couple of years or so ill notice a bunch of very confusing things will start happening that ill perceive as "bad" things are happening to me. Its always one cohesive lesson, what just clicked to me today that for the last 3 years that is what life has been trying to teach me. Up until this point I was one of those people that would super over extend myself for people that I cared for and would barely receive half that in return. I also had the habit of picking up "projects" people that you KNOW cannot love you adequately because they've been extremely hurt or damaged in some way, but for what ever reason thinking you can love them back to happiness. I am naturally a nurturer and a healer if I see you hurting its my first instinct to want to help, but I always do it to the point of sacrificing myself. its almost like I work hard to get myself together just to meet you and then trans


So... let me explain to you all how this whole vibrator fiasco began. One day about two years ago me and my best friend Wildly Brittish were having a conversation about how masturbation was so weird. It was just a concept that I wasn't accustomed to, as I told you guys before we didn't speak about sex much at all in my household I was the first of my immediate friends to lose my virginty  and I was pretty private. I just knew about humping things or people; which I guess was a form of masturbation but yeah that was about as far as my knowledge went. Also I grew up with five siblings and mother and father in the house so yeah there wasn't  much time or space to really be twiddling my Fingers on my vag. But, now that I am older and my life calling turns out to be holistic sexual health and wellness but more specifically feminine health and wellness, I now get the importance in knowing how to please yourself. So Brittany and I decided to goto The Pleasure Chest which was