So... let me explain to you all how this whole vibrator fiasco began.

One day about two years ago me and my best friend Wildly Brittish were having a conversation about how masturbation was so weird. It was just a concept that I wasn't accustomed to, as I told you guys before we didn't speak about sex much at all in my household I was the first of my immediate friends to lose my virginty  and I was pretty private. I just knew about humping things or people; which I guess was a form of masturbation but yeah that was about as far as my knowledge went. Also I grew up with five siblings and mother and father in the house so yeah there wasn't  much time or space to really be twiddling my Fingers on my vag.

But, now that I am older and my life calling turns out to be holistic sexual health and wellness but more specifically feminine health and wellness, I now get the importance in knowing how to please yourself. So Brittany and I decided to goto The Pleasure Chest which was just AHH-mazinggg !
they have such a great selection of toys lube etc and the employees are so well informed and helpful. and they have everything from the most high end products to very affordable. which I will do a separate review post for.

But, here are things to consider when shopping for toys for yourself

Do you like direct stimulation or do you prefer penetration or both?

In the spirit of transparency, I prefer direct stimulation, hence my whole humping streak. Needless yo say I LOVE vibrators lol.
but I know women who don't want their clitoris touched at all it does nothing for them so penetration may be their got to ALSO everyone doesn't like the feeling of vibration. so if you don't know I suggest into the store turning on the toy and putting it against your hand I can tell by feeling certain toys what I would or wouldn't be interested in. so thats one way there are often cheaper versions of the toy you're interest in buy the cheaper ones see what you like and then invest in higher quality.

so most of the things I am interested in vibrate, twist and twirl. I'm exploring more options for example

Yoni Eggs
1. Stronger pelvic and bladder floor muscles
2. Stronger muscles
3.Spiritual healing properties


Remote/Phone Controlled Vibrator ( Couples Friendly/ Encouraged)
1. allows you partner to be involved and control the settings
2. you'll be really happy and glowy  what else is there

All in all, I personally believe is up to us to discover our bodies an what we like and need. Trust me once you do you'll be wondering what the hell you were doing this whole time as your get older sex should get better and I intended to believe that until the day I day; yes I will be that grandmother.


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